An Education that Lasts a Lifetime
Teaching children is an extremely pleasant and rewarding task. They are eager, open-minded participants in the learning process. Teacher expectation becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Expecting the most from each child leads to the child expecting the most from themselves.
The Gagie School provides a strong, basic educational foundation. We enrich the learning experience with art, music, band, Spanish, and drama for preschoolers through eighth graders. Developing the “Whole Child” is paramount. Within each child lie inherent gifts that must be fostered. These gifts help define each individual as their own person. How each child learns, their gifts, as well as intellectual, emotional, social, physical and moral growth all lead to development of the whole child.
Developing exceptional and highly contributing members of society is our goal as well as developing within each child a very positive attitude toward school and learning. How are these goals achieved? Through understanding of normal human growth and development, as well as learning styles, we monitor and informally assess to discover appropriate placement levels for self-help, cognitive, social and language skills Curriculum is developed based on the needs and learning styles of the children. Making sure each child achieves developmental skills appropriate for their age level in the early years is imperative. This ensures a strong foundation for later academic achievement. Teacher training occurs on a daily basis by administrators to assure that our mission prevails.
Our school educates unlike any other. We provide education in all areas, the arts as well as academics. Proudly, our graduates live and work successfully all over the world. They visit us and relate stories of how their early years with us left fond memories.
It is truly An Education That Lasts a Lifetime.
The Gagie School provides a strong, basic educational foundation. We enrich the learning experience with art, music, band, Spanish, and drama for preschoolers through eighth graders. Developing the “Whole Child” is paramount. Within each child lie inherent gifts that must be fostered. These gifts help define each individual as their own person. How each child learns, their gifts, as well as intellectual, emotional, social, physical and moral growth all lead to development of the whole child.
Developing exceptional and highly contributing members of society is our goal as well as developing within each child a very positive attitude toward school and learning. How are these goals achieved? Through understanding of normal human growth and development, as well as learning styles, we monitor and informally assess to discover appropriate placement levels for self-help, cognitive, social and language skills Curriculum is developed based on the needs and learning styles of the children. Making sure each child achieves developmental skills appropriate for their age level in the early years is imperative. This ensures a strong foundation for later academic achievement. Teacher training occurs on a daily basis by administrators to assure that our mission prevails.
Our school educates unlike any other. We provide education in all areas, the arts as well as academics. Proudly, our graduates live and work successfully all over the world. They visit us and relate stories of how their early years with us left fond memories.
It is truly An Education That Lasts a Lifetime.
Understanding RulesWe teach students to understand the need for rules, the need to follow them and develop respect for peers and teachers.
History & PatriotismWe teach history. The students develop respect for what our forefathers provided – patriotism, love of county, appreciation of our freedoms, and exercising their right to vote. Knowledge of government and civics will make them better citizens and leaders. Geography is key to understanding the world.
Arts, Nature, & HealthWe teach a love of the arts through poetry, music, art and drama. We teach a love of nature and the need to protect the environment. Students learn the value of physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle.